What to Wear to Your Engagement Photos

The happiest day of your relationship so far had just happened! Your partner got down on one knee and pop up the question. And if you’re here it’s because you said yes!! OMG, YOU’RE ENGAGED!! That’s when we all laugh and cry and celebrate, congrats my friend!! Now, all the wedding talk and planning are coming at ya… It gets overwhelming, right? And on top of that, you need engagement photos for Save the Dates, Wedding Invitations, Wedding Website, Venue Décor, etc. and you just want them to be perfect. I get it. But, calm down your nerves, YA GIRL IS HERE TO HELP!

When comes to outfit planning, my biggest piece of advice is always for you two to be comfortable and the most YOU as you can. But when it’s an engagement photoshoot, there’s something else we need to take in consideration is the color scheme of you big day if you have decided that already, after all you want to make sure that your engagement photos will reflect your personalities and how your special day will look like. If you haven’t decided your wedding color palette yet though, don’t panic! It’s all good, we just keep it simple and neutral, this way it’ll go well doesn’t matter what your color choices will be in the near future.

Even though is normal for people want to shop for new and sparkly clothes to wear to a photoshoot, I’m gonna tell ya, it’s better for you to try on something you know that works on you than make yourself even more overwhelmed by shopping for clothes to that one specific occasion. Of course, if you want to buy new clothes - and hey, I know sometimes we’re just looking for an excuse to buy that cute little dress we saw but didn’t buy “because I don’t need it” - then YES! Go for it! Find that perfect outfit that makes you feel happy wearing it! But my point is, I guarantee you have something on your wardrobe that will work just perfect for the upcoming photoshoot. So keep reading to find the engagement session outfit tips you’ve looking for!

Matching your outfit with the season and location

If our photoshoot is at a nature area. like a park, most likely wearing a fancy ball gown isn't really the best idea to tell you story with authenticity, right? If you still want to feel fancy, think about a terracotta long dress combined with a hat or a button up light color shirt with khaki pants. Unless your idea is to get that dramatic feel and that`s your big day vibe, then I’m here for it, wear a ball gown in the forest if that’s what your style is!

Talking about colors

Generally speaking, for photographs it's always a good idea to aim for neutrals and earthy tones, as they tend to go well with most environments and occasions. Also, they most likely will look so great with whatever theme colors you have going on for your wedding.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating for a beige world of quiet and inoffensive colors. By neutrals, I just mean softer tones. Primary colors are incredibly striking, but can sometimes have the effect of detracting from the main subject (which is you). So for example, instead of electric green, go for something closer military green. Instead of bright orange, opt for ochre or apricot.

- Unscripted for Photographers Outfit Guide

And that goes for pretty much any color if you already have your mind set up on wedding colors. For example if you’re having a royal blue themed wedding, you don’t need to wear a royal blue on you engagement session, but you could wear light jeans color, or white and baby blue. If you’re having a summer beach wedding, with tons of yellow and bright orange colors, try some softer tones of yellow, white and tan colors for you engagement photos.

Important to remember: We want you and your love to have a connection through the colors, but we don’t need you completely matching to achieve that, instead, try complementary colors. So if one of you is wearing a nice light military green button up shirt, the other one could look into wear a white or beige for a spring wedding. Or if you decide on a light jeans dress, your S.O can wear a darker blue toned shirt for example. And as I always say, I’ll be here for you all the way, so when a question pops up when come to outfit planning, I’ll be more than happy to hop on a video call and help you to plan that out!

Be careful with patterns, prints and logos

Avoid large bold patterns as they often dominate the photograph and detract attention from your beautiful face. Usually, subtle smaller patterns work best. Flannels or a light floral print are great when they complement the location. But less is definitely more with this one, try to limit yourself to one pattern at a time. Matching patterns is a tricky task, and it’s super difficult to do well. If you’re not quite sure what category your patterned clothes fall into, shoot me an email or send me a text and I’ll be happy to weigh in!

Much like crazy patterns, clothing with writing or logos on it tends to be a bit distracting. We’re not getting paid for Adidas’ not-so-subtle product placement. However, if the logo or phrase is tasteful (read: not tacky), in theme with the shoot, and fits your personality, I’m all for it.

- Unscripted for Photographers Outfit Guide

What about accessories

Accessories are always welcome if they help to tell your story and are truly you. Are you known by your friends as the “hat girl”? So let’s throw it on!! Is there a special jacket that he gave it to you on your first cold night together? Bring it on and let’s use it. Is the cowboy lifestyle, your style? Bring the hat and let’s rock with it! Other fun things to add to your shoot are accessories to play in the scene we're building, so flowers, wine, champagne, blankets, skateboard, all of what can make for a really fun date night, is so welcome!!

Okay, but when aren’t accessories fun and welcome then? When they take the attention of your beautiful face, body and soul. So, hey buddy, I’m sorry, but that Broncos cap will have to stay out of the photos, instead, if football is an important part of your relationship, you can wear a jersey for one or two shots. And you know the huge watch on your wrist? That’s not going to make to the pictures either, unless it tells some special story between you two - then we can maybe keep it for a few shots.


  • Dress for the season and location

  • Keep your wedding style in mind

  • Use complimentary colors instead of matching

  • Wear something that is truly you and you feel happy in

  • Softer and earthy tones are the way to go if you aren’t sure about your wedding theme colors yet

  • Avoid large prints and crazy patterns

  • Throw some accessories in your bag that will help to tell your story

Phewwwww, yeah, I think that’s it! If you made until here, I’m sure you’re more than ready to have the best version of yourself ready to rock! And of course, don’t forget I’m still here for you ALL THE WAY ready to answer any questions you might have about outfit planning upon booking with me!

Much love,



Are you ready to have your love story captured?